beets, beets recipes, butcher recipes, sides -

Roasted Beets and Sweets

What you'll need:


- 10 Beets, medium, peeled and cut (no chunks)

- ¼ cup Olive Oil and 1 tsp Olive Oil (divided)

- 1 ¾ tsp Garlic Powder

- 1 ¾ tsp Ground Black Pepper

- 1 ¾ tsp Sugar

- 5 Sweet Potatoes, Chunked

- 1 ¾ Large Sweet Onion, chopped


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
  2. In bowl, toss beets with ½ tbsp olive oil to cool.
  3. Mix remaining 2 tbsp olive oil, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and sugar in a large Ziploc bag, seal it and shake to coat vegetables with the oil.
  4. Bake beets 15 minutes in the oven. Mix sweet potato mix with the beets on the sheet. Continue baking 4-5 minutes, stir after 20 minutes, until all vegetables are tender.

Recipe by John Dunn, Sous Chef, Catullo Prime Meats

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